Daftar Istilah Jurnalistik Online

Daftar Istilah Jurnalistik Online
Daftar Istilah Jurnalistik Online.


Online Story Package

An online news story that uses multiple media --text, photos, video, audio, graphics-- working together to tell a story.

Paket berita online yang menggunakan multimedia (teks, foto, video, audio, grafis) yang saling melengkapi menjadi sebuah berita lengkap dan menarik.

Information Graphic (Infographic)

a visual representation (graphs, charts, timelines, etc.) used to make facts or concepts easier to understand.

Sidebar Story
 a secondary article that accompanies a main story, usually focusing in more depth on a person or topic from the main story.

Supporting Text
Text elements in an online story package that help explain or tie together multimedia elements.

Story Pitch
A brief presentation by a group in our class, discussing how they plan to pursue, report and present a story using a multimediaapproach.

Search Operators
Keystrokes and characters that allow online keyword searches to be more specific and productive.

A collection of data (usually digital) organized so it can be easily accessed and sorted.

A photo, graphic, piece of text or other HTML object formatted to allow users to click through to another document.

Rule of Thirds 
A practice in shooting video that divides the frame into imaginary vertical and horizontal thirds, then lining subjects up along the points where those lines intersect.

The process of converting a video project into a finished movie.

In journalism, conveying not just the factsof a situation, but the background and context behind those facts, to present a more complete picture of the story.

In-Depth Story
A piece of journalism that explains complex topics or provides previously unknown details of a subject to readers.

Source: http://www.sjsu.edu/ajeep/docs/OnlineJournalism.pdf

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